Saturday, May 30, 2020

5 Great Tips to Using Social Networks in Your Job Search

5 Great Tips to Using Social Networks in Your Job Search Getting a job through Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook sounds like a great idea. Job searching from the comfort of your own home instead of pounding the streets! In reality, it’s not as simple as it seems and there are a few things to think about if you’re going to make social networking sites part of your job search. Here are five tips for getting a new job through social networking. 1) Clean up your online reputation Don’t forget that people can see all our status updates, photos, videos and groups unless our profiles are locked. If you contact potential employers through your social networking page, you’re more or less inviting them to have a look at it. Even if you contacted them in another  way, if you have an unusual full name all they have to do is Google you and the first results that come up will be for your social network pages (unless you’re on Wikipedia, because that always comes up first). So if you want to make a good impression, it’s time to remove the inappropriate Facebook pictures and to stop using Twitter to moan about your current employer. Even if you don’t want a new job right at this moment, it’s worth changing your online habits anyway if you a) will potentially be job hunting in the future and b) your current employer wouldn’t be impressed if they checked out your Facebook right now. That said, it’s just as possible to make a positive impression online as it is to leave a negative one. If you’re looking for a new job in tourism because you’re interested in travel culture, be sure to  actually list these as your interests so potential employers can see why you’d be suited to the industry. 2) Know where to look As open and accessible as social networking sites are, potential employers aren’t going to come running just because we tweet, “I be lookin 4 a job in tourism, pls contact me if u can help”. We have to find them, because it’s unlikely that they’ll find us. Twitter has various types of applications you can use to seek out potential employers and useful contacts. Directories such as Twitscoop to track trends and events related to your desired job. On both Facebook and LinkedIn you can join groups discussing your career interests, with the latter also having a QA function where you ask and answer the questions that will draw you into a network of potentially useful contacts. 3) Communicate with the relevant players Once you’ve found contacts that could be beneficial, don’t just ask them if they know of any jobs going and then leave it at that. It’s important to build up an online relationship with the relevant players so that even if they don’t know of anything for you straight away, they’ll  remember you if something comes up further down the line. By all means speak with them about your job search, your skills and your industry of choice; just be sure not to make it all about you. It’s corny but it’s true-what makes a relationship, both offline and online, is the give and take element. Reply to your contacts’ tweets when they ask for help and contribute to the discussions they start in LinkedIn and Facebook groups.  Not only does it show that  you’re willing to give, but it also showcases your expert knowledge of their particular industry or field. 4) Be willing to learn Although it is important to show that you have both interest in and knowledge of your chosen industry, it’s also important to demonstrate your willingness to learn and to build up your skills. Ask industry players for advice about your job search, use group discussions to clarify points you’re not sure about, and listen in on others’ conversations. Use social networking to build up your experience and skills set offline. Even if none of your online friends know of any paid jobs going, press them for information on volunteering or work experience opportunities. If you’ve actually set out to get some voluntary work experience before seeking gainful employment, connect with the voluntary sector experts that can sort you out with opportunities suited to your desired career path. 5) Don’t limit yourself So yes, social networking is useful, but don’t rely on it as your only method of networking and job hunting. Integrate it with both offline and other online strategies such as going to industry events, using your existing contacts and looking at employer organisations’ websites. It takes some thought and effort to successfully incorporate social networking into your job search -but it can be a lot of fun as well! Let us know if you have any stories about using a social network to land a job. Related: How Social Media Will Help Your Job Search.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Getting a Federal Resume

Getting a Federal ResumeGetting a Federal resume will provide you the perfect chance to make your mark in the world of today. If you have ever wondered about how to get a Federal resume in order to better the chances of your being accepted for an interview, then this article is for you. With this article, I am going to give you a few tips that will help you out with your federal resume.The first thing that you'll need to do is to learn how to organize your documents. Having a clear, concise and well organized Federal resume will give you the best chance of making it through the first round of screening. In order to have a powerful Federal resume, you'll need to make sure that your document is organized. You can have as many sections as you want in order to make it as concise as possible.It's important to make sure that your document is organized properly because this will greatly increase the chances of your being accepted for the position. Some people don't think about it, but even with the proper structure, there are some key things that will not be given enough attention. When you can focus on these things, you'll have a much higher chance of making it through the process.In addition to organizing your Federal resume, you need to make sure that it is as brief as possible. Too many times, candidates who do not follow the proper process and techniques have a hard time getting their resume noticed. A short Federal resume can not only improve your chances of being accepted, but also make your company look good as well.On the other hand, it is also important to remember that a Federal resume can not be condensed. You should still be able to find something on the first page of your resume. The goal is to provide a quick overview of what you can offer to a prospective employer and you will need to keep it brief and to the point.Another thing that you should remember when it comes to organizing your resume is that it should contain your experience. Remember that a p otential employer does not need to know every single thing about you. It is best to give them a glimpse of your work history, education and achievements so that they can get a better understanding of your personality and abilities.Writing your resume is one of the most important points to remember. Although you have great skills, it is equally important to consider how you would benefit from the position. There are a number of candidates who seem to think that they are going to stand out from the crowd if they write down every single detail about themselves. Remember that this is not how it works, and that you need to give an employee an overview of your skills.Last but not least, the Federal resume is important because it can get you the job that you always wanted. Keep these tips in mind when you are trying to get a Federal resume and you should be able to get the job that you always wanted. Do not put all of your effort into getting a Federal resume, though, because it will not g ive you the results that you expect.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

8 Ways Women Can Encourage Each Other to Succeed in the Workplace - Classy Career Girl

8 Ways Women Can Encourage Each Other to Succeed in the Workplace In recent years, only  40% of the workforce in more than 80 countries is made up of women, but due to technology and movements for equality, the gap between genders in the workforce is slowly decreasing. However, despite the changing times, the workplace still has its own share of gender discrimination and biases that need to be resolved and put into light. Series of workplace bullying, harassment, preferences, and pay inequalities put women at a disadvantage, which often leads to holding themselves back from coming forward and accelerating. In today’s diverse and competitive workplace, the need for women to have each others’ backs and empower each other is more important than ever. Here are 8 ways women can support each other when the workplace won’t. 8 Ways Women Can Encourage Each Other to Succeed in the Workplace 1. Be a Mentor In the industry, people are highly competitive, especially when climbing the career ladder. In a situation where matters and positions are at stake, you should not fall into the traps of competition. Success is best earned when you’re putting people up, not down. You should build a relationship founded on mentorship and support. Instead of competing, share valuable advice and provide counsel and guidance when the going gets tough. Whether it’s having a step forward the hierarchy or developing a startup, women should be mentors and not competitors. 2. Be an Advocate Apart from self-empowerment, you should assert your role and power for the benefit of others, as well as your team members. The more you lead and manage, the more necessary it is to become an advocate for improvement and change. 3. Be a Friend According to a workplace harassment study by Opportunity Now, 52% of women have experienced bullying or harassment at the workplace. Most of the time, women are routinely excluded and compromised by their co-workers. The victims are mostly women with disabilities (71%), women of African-Caribbean descent, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Harassment and bullying come in many forms. From being blocked from training and promotion chances, being threatened, under major supervision, and given unfair treatment, women have worked through it all. The sad thing? The lack of support from coworkers who are constantly putting each other down. If you have a fellow woman employee who is a victim of harassment, be a friend. Dont drag each other down for competition to amplify your strength and work position. Don’t waste your talent just to damage another woman’s reputation.   4. Be an Educator While women are slowly changing the C-suite patriarchal nature, there’s still the underlying fact that men hold most of the top positions and have the power and influence in higher management. Apart from supporting your female coworkers, you should become an educator and engage with men to resolve such gender issues. Likewise, women in top management should be the proprietors for diversity and progress and include men on developing solutions to such problems. It all starts with educating and promoting what’s right and just. From the policies and procedures, you should explain the challenges women face and bring out the benefits for each one. [RELATED:  4 Ways  to Earn The Respect You Deserve As a Woman In The Workplace] 5. Be a Promoter Considering how hard it is for women to climb the ladder in some companies, the most humbling thing you can do is to promote other women’s success and acknowledge your management potential.   A lot of talented women are contented with the current flow of things instead of being proactive about promotion opportunities. Get serious about you and your coworkers careers. Reach for the top even when circumstances fail to do so. The danger in being content with what you currently have is that you fail to see what’s beyond it all. Don’t just excel in your job, ask for leadership. 6. Be an Achiever  A Catalyst study claimed that women who are proactive in making their achievements known advanced further and were more satisfied with their careers. There’s no harm in accrediting your own and others’ accomplishments and dedicating your willingness to advance consistently. Don’t let others bring you down on your way to success. Your achievements are yours and no one can take that from you. The next time you or your female colleagues feel that the workplace norms will hold you down, think about your acquired success. Will you let things just go by when you have the capabilities to stand out? 7. Be an Opportunist   More often than not, women can move forward through career and social opportunities in which resources are abundant, as general threat levels and gender and behavior norms are looser. This gives women the ability to enlist and work around the workplace with impunity. “Striking when the iron is hot” can be helpful to women, especially in companies who still have gender restrictions. While risk-taking can be a dangerous approach, you and other women colleagues just have to make sure you have the right timing and resources first. 8. Be a Sponsor   While mentor programs are highly recommended and helpful, most women are over-mentored and under-sponsored, according to Harvard Business Review. Whereas a mentor listens and provides care and support, a sponsor has the position and influence to uphold your career among the ranks. A sponsor must empower and advocate for women, and aid in the promotion and handling of big projects. If you hold a position in the high ranks, be on the lookout for promising female employees and take them in as proteges. Most younger females find it hard to make a break in a company, so you, as a sponsor, should help them advance. Likewise, you should also build a relationship with a female senior executive and ask to become sponsored. Remember, sponsorship is the way to go, but you should also cut each other some slack from high expectations. Learn from each other along the way. The world is changing. The people, the economy, and societal perspectives go with the flow of the times and be a progressive movement across the world. It’s no longer a “man’s world” for women who support and stand with each other in the workplace instead of a shared world for both genders. It may be a tough road, but you best be on the way to it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Social Media Can Make or Break a Job Search (INFOGRAPHIC)

How Social Media Can Make or Break a Job Search (INFOGRAPHIC) Will a future employer come across your questionable social media posts? There’s a good chance in today’s world. The number of employers searching social media accounts has increased 500% in the last decade and 93% of hiring managers review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. 55% of all hiring managers reconsider a candidate based on what they find during a social media search. So any questionable jokes, posted last night, or last year, could cost job seekers. But what industry searches job candidates the most? The IT industry searches 76% of the time, followed by sales which searches 65%. LinkedIn is the most search site, followed by Facebook, and Twitter. 79% of hiring manages will actually hire through LinkedIn. Often, hiring managers aren’t looking for reasons to disqualify an applicant; rather, they’re searching for reasons to hire an individual. Hiring managers often check Cultural fit Professional experience Length of professional tenure Mutual connections Examples of previous work It’s easy to stand out with your social media profiles, but ask yourself: are you standing out for professional reasons, or standing out for reasons that will cost you your chance at the job of a lifetime? Run an audit on your social media accounts and be sure you’re giving off an image that wont scare away hiring managers.   For more information about the ways social media can impact the job search, check the infographic below from the team at Rawhide Boys Ranch a non-profit helping at-risk youth in Wisconsin.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Resume Writing Experience - A Helpful Idea For Writing Experience

Resume Writing Experience - A Helpful Idea For Writing ExperienceIf you're looking for a way to impress potential employers, one idea that many people who want to improve their chances with job interviews and job applications are looking at is putting together a resume with writing experience. Experience can help you stand out from the crowd of people applying for the same position and writing experience can help you get your resume in front of more employers than others.Of course, there's no guarantee that a potential employer will hire you based on what's written on your resume. It will still depend on your skills and qualifications, as well as how well you explain those skills and qualifications to a potential employer.However, in addition to being clear and succinct when describing your skills and qualifications, you should also make sure that your resume is formatted properly so that it looks professional. Make sure that your cover letter is appropriate for the position you're a pplying for. You do not want to look like you're rushing to get a job.It's important to know that a cover letter will be much more effective if it isn't just a statement of your qualifications. A professional cover letter should include details about the qualifications you have that make you an ideal candidate for the job, as well as any additional information that may give the potential employer reason to interview you. Even if you don't have any writing experience, it's possible to write a professional letter, so don't get discouraged if you don't have writing experience.However, writing experience does count towards your resume if you have it. It helps to show that you have given yourself the opportunity to present yourself professionally, whether or not you're experienced with writing or not. However, keep in mind that a resume should be brief, so you may want to write several letters on different subjects to break it up a bit.When you start your letter, you should first describ e why you want the job, and how you can benefit the company. This helps to get your writing into a sentence or two, but it doesn't take up too much time when you're writing a lengthy resume.The next part of your letter will tell the employer why you have writing experience. Just as with the purpose of the letter, this part shouldn't be too long, but it should detail your previous work experience, the types of projects you've worked on, and even a bit about yourself.Remember that your resume with writing experience should not just tell the potential employer that you've been working as a copywriter. You need to make sure that you tell them why you are the right person for the job, as well as what it is that you bring to the table that makes you the ideal candidate for the job.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

6 Tools to Help Launch Your Job Search - CareerAlley

6 Tools to Help Launch Your Job Search - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. There are eight or so key items you need to launch a successful job search (see Why You Need a Job Search Marketing Toolkit). This includes a few key documents you will need to draft (such as your resume, cover letters and thank you letters). If youve drafted a resume, you know how difficult this can be (and if you havent, you know it will be challenging). Other key items you will need are your network, references and target markets/companies. Even if you have a version of your resume, it is probably wise to take another look and update it as necessary (another great resource is 5 Steps to a Great Resume). The good news is that you dont need to go it alone. There are tools you can use that will help you create most (if not all) of you documents and lists. The sites listed below are purely very high level reviews, CareerAlley does not endorse or get paid for listing any of the sites reviewed below. Resume Writing Tools: There are lots of resume writing tools out there, some are free and some are not. Is a fee based resume writing tool better? Not necessarily. Following are three tools for your review. FormSwift for Resumes FormSwifts Resume Builder is also great for any job seeker. Our builder takes you section by section, line by line, so all you have to do is input your experiences. Once you are done filling out your personal info, the builder formats your resume for you, taking the stress out of worrying if your header is too large or your typeface too small. Once again, this builder is completely free allowing you to experiment with different word choice for different job applications. ResumeGenius Sample phrases, templates and guides are the main selling points of ResumeGenius. This is not a free site, so you will want to look at the various costs (at the end of this paragraph) before you complete your template. You also do not have to register if you do not want to. Start off quickly by clicking the Write my resume now button, next pick your template (if in doubt, select Classic for now). Next you will start to fill in the main sections of your resume (tabs for Contact Info, Work Experience, Eduction and Additional Skills. You can preview your resume as you go, add sections (I would like to point out is that Career Objective is generally not used anymore although it is offered as a section), save at any time as well as select the option for a professional to help write your resume (at a cost). One thing to note is that it will cost you $1.95 to download your resume and have 14 days of full access, after which you will be automatically charged $39.95 per month (u nless you select the Monthly Access option for $7.95). Whether or not the cost is worth it is a personal decision. You could opt for the $1.95 14 day trial and cancel after that (or use one of the free services). How to Write a Resume This site offers both a step by step resume builder as well as a cover letter tool. Start by clicking the Start Now and then either create a free account or log on via a variety of sites (like Facebook, Google, etc.). Once you log on, click Resume Builder and start to build your resume. There are categories on the left hand side of the screen for the different sections of your resume. Some sections allow you to use a template or you can enter the information as you see fit. There are some aspects of the site that are not free (like including references). You will also need to pay extra to get your resume or cover letter in Word or PDF format (the free option in text or html format). If you click the click here for the full feature list, you can see the free features versus the features that will cost extra. It looks like these are one-time fees (rather than the monthly fees that ResumeGenius charges). There is also a cover letter builder that works in a similar fashion. Cover Letter Tools: FormSwift for Cover Letters FormSwifts Cover Letter Builder is great for any job seeker. The formatting is all pre-organized and you can change the letter copy by choosing which career stage process you are at college student, new job seeker, returning professional, etc. Then all you have to do is input a few key words and phrases for each paragraph that personalize your story and, voila, your cover letter is all done! Last but not least, our builder is completely free, so you can make as many copies and edits as you would like, which is perfect for someone running on a tight budget while applying for jobs. SmartCoverLetter Before you get started, read What Makes a Good Cover Letter? included on their home page. Also, this is not a free site and you will want to look at the costs before you take the time to complete the template. This overview provides some great insight into why a cover letter (not just any cover letter, but a good one) is so important. Start by clicking the Create Letter button, fill in your contact info and get started. Next you will see the body of (an incomplete) cover letter. You can click to fill in each section or change the template by selecting Select Design from the top of the page. Exporting will cost you $4.95 for 7 days and then $39.95 per month. The Pain-Free Cover Letter Builder -This is not so much a site as it is a free guide. The guide is very good and not too long (and it is actually free). While not a tool to guide you through the process, the guide is worth a read. Book Corner: Resumes [easyazon_link asin=1440579075 locale=US new_window=default nofollow=default tag=caree07-20 add_to_cart=default cloaking=default localization=default popups=default]Knock em Dead Resumes: A Killer Resume Gets More Job Interviews![/easyazon_link] Cover Letters [easyazon_link asin=0071342575 locale=US new_window=default nofollow=default tag=caree07-20 add_to_cart=default cloaking=default localization=default popups=default]101 Best Cover Letters[/easyazon_link] We are always eager to hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions regarding CareerAlley content. Good luck in your search,Joey Google+ what where job title, keywords or company city, state or zip jobs by

Friday, May 8, 2020

Summary Sunday Job Search Smarter

Summary Sunday Job Search Smarter Not getting the results you want from your job search activities? Then it is time to job search smarter! My Summary Sunday rounds-ups are for new job seekers and for people who are employed and want to stay up to date on whats trending in job search news. You dont want a sudden job search emergency to catch you off-guard. One of the things I hope you are doing, especially if you are working, is keeping an eye out for your next job. Things change quickly and you dont want to get caught flat-footed when your job ends. A smart job search means you are using todays job search strategies and not outdated or ineffective methods. As a quick reminder, here are some important strategies to help you job search smarter: ALWAYS have a list of companies you want to work for ALWAYS find a connection inside a company before you apply ALWAYS be part of an active network (professional association, club, volunteer work, etc) ALWAYS work on your online visibility (Google is your new resume) ALWAYS treat the interview like a consultative conversation NETWORKING Networking and connecting is NOT just something you do when you are looking for a job. It is a skill leaders use ALL THE TIME. See how to develop this! How To Connect More Intelligently by Dorie Clark | Forbes What got me interested in this article was the tweet and quote in the article! The question is not who you’re connecting connecting with, it’s *how* you’re connecting -Erica Dhawan, the co-author (with Saj-Nicole Joni) of Get Big Things Done â€" The Power of Connectional Intelligence. PERSONAL BRANDING Building brand awareness is a long-term career strategy. Twitter can be an amazing tool to build your brand, meet new people and stay connected! 5 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter by Simply Hired | YouTern SOCIAL MEDIA No matter what social media platform you use, you are going to want to find content (articles, images, videos, etc) to share. Heres help. How to find social media content to share by Miriam Salpeter | Keppie Careers INTERVIEW The interview is too important to screw up. Learn, prepare and practice so you will rock the interview, not just hack it. The First 10 Seconds of the Interview  by Catherine Kaputa  | Career Cloud The 29 Smartest Questions to Ask at the End of Every Job Interview by  Jacquelyn Smith and Natalie Walters | Business Insider More Great Reads (humble brag) Im always flattered when asked to provide my input. Here are some articles where Ive shared ideas. How to Write the Perfect Tweet for Your Career by Daniel Bortz | Monster Master These 6 Essential New Job Search Procedures |