Friday, May 8, 2020

Summary Sunday Job Search Smarter

Summary Sunday Job Search Smarter Not getting the results you want from your job search activities? Then it is time to job search smarter! My Summary Sunday rounds-ups are for new job seekers and for people who are employed and want to stay up to date on whats trending in job search news. You dont want a sudden job search emergency to catch you off-guard. One of the things I hope you are doing, especially if you are working, is keeping an eye out for your next job. Things change quickly and you dont want to get caught flat-footed when your job ends. A smart job search means you are using todays job search strategies and not outdated or ineffective methods. As a quick reminder, here are some important strategies to help you job search smarter: ALWAYS have a list of companies you want to work for ALWAYS find a connection inside a company before you apply ALWAYS be part of an active network (professional association, club, volunteer work, etc) ALWAYS work on your online visibility (Google is your new resume) ALWAYS treat the interview like a consultative conversation NETWORKING Networking and connecting is NOT just something you do when you are looking for a job. It is a skill leaders use ALL THE TIME. See how to develop this! How To Connect More Intelligently by Dorie Clark | Forbes What got me interested in this article was the tweet and quote in the article! The question is not who you’re connecting connecting with, it’s *how* you’re connecting -Erica Dhawan, the co-author (with Saj-Nicole Joni) of Get Big Things Done â€" The Power of Connectional Intelligence. PERSONAL BRANDING Building brand awareness is a long-term career strategy. Twitter can be an amazing tool to build your brand, meet new people and stay connected! 5 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter by Simply Hired | YouTern SOCIAL MEDIA No matter what social media platform you use, you are going to want to find content (articles, images, videos, etc) to share. Heres help. How to find social media content to share by Miriam Salpeter | Keppie Careers INTERVIEW The interview is too important to screw up. Learn, prepare and practice so you will rock the interview, not just hack it. The First 10 Seconds of the Interview  by Catherine Kaputa  | Career Cloud The 29 Smartest Questions to Ask at the End of Every Job Interview by  Jacquelyn Smith and Natalie Walters | Business Insider More Great Reads (humble brag) Im always flattered when asked to provide my input. Here are some articles where Ive shared ideas. How to Write the Perfect Tweet for Your Career by Daniel Bortz | Monster Master These 6 Essential New Job Search Procedures |

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