Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Social Media Can Make or Break a Job Search (INFOGRAPHIC)

How Social Media Can Make or Break a Job Search (INFOGRAPHIC) Will a future employer come across your questionable social media posts? There’s a good chance in today’s world. The number of employers searching social media accounts has increased 500% in the last decade and 93% of hiring managers review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. 55% of all hiring managers reconsider a candidate based on what they find during a social media search. So any questionable jokes, posted last night, or last year, could cost job seekers. But what industry searches job candidates the most? The IT industry searches 76% of the time, followed by sales which searches 65%. LinkedIn is the most search site, followed by Facebook, and Twitter. 79% of hiring manages will actually hire through LinkedIn. Often, hiring managers aren’t looking for reasons to disqualify an applicant; rather, they’re searching for reasons to hire an individual. Hiring managers often check Cultural fit Professional experience Length of professional tenure Mutual connections Examples of previous work It’s easy to stand out with your social media profiles, but ask yourself: are you standing out for professional reasons, or standing out for reasons that will cost you your chance at the job of a lifetime? Run an audit on your social media accounts and be sure you’re giving off an image that wont scare away hiring managers.   For more information about the ways social media can impact the job search, check the infographic below from the team at Rawhide Boys Ranch a non-profit helping at-risk youth in Wisconsin.

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